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0.08 kg

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Распродажа / новости: Новости
Поставщики: EXS
Производитель: EXS

DELAY SPRAY PLUS- EXS Delay spray has been tried and trusted by men all over the world and is one of most popular delay sprays on the market! With clove oil being the main ingredient EXS delay will temporarily lessen how much you can feel; meaning sex is still controllable and pleasurable.
HOW - 3-5 sprays of EXS Endurance Delay Spray can gently numb the end of your penis to reduce sensitivity and potentially help boost endurance.
WHY - Premature ejaculation is an issue in the bedroom for many young guys not just old. Prolong your sex in the bedroom with EXS Delay Spray Plus!
VEGAN-FRIENDLY & CRUELTY-FREE - We have and always will be vegan friendly. We take great pride in being cruelty-free with no animal testing whatsoever.
WHY EXS - If you think condoms get in the way then you are buying the wrong ones, try our range of products. We are the UK's largest independent condom supplier for a reason! Please note packaging may vary.
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